
Saturday, July 31, 2010

..and we say there is no God

I am driving down the streets of San Fransiciso, admiring the scenery, where ocean meets meets sea...rock meets water..and i can't help but wonder how some humans see all these things and still doubt the very existence of a must be that i do not have the same eyes that these doubters have..or is it just my perception of beauty and life that differs?.. (disclaimer)this is not a note to bash anybody, but one merely to remind us and even me of what we take for granted daily... Does it amaze u that every human being has a genetic makeup thats different from the other, even identical twins? if thats not fascinating to you, maybe the concept of life is, how does sperm meet egg and birth a person, with personality, a mind, spirit and soul?...the mere concept of language makes me shudder, "c'est tres magnifique" is it that words as simple as, "it is magnificent "can't be comprehended by an Irish man that has no understanding of the French Language..i mean roughly 43,000 different languages and several different cultures all distinct, and there is no God?... Now tell me, how u can explain how the DNA of every living thing has the same composition, yet every living thing still operates on different levels of complexity so much that they are classified from less to most complicated organisms..the birds in the air and the fish in the sea, can u tell me how they got there? how is earth the only planet proven to sustain life..even evolution contradicts itself, scientists like Watson try to explain the complexity of life, in ways they themselves dont fully understand..U want to explain the intricacy of this world using the Big Bang Theory..commmonnn!!!....U want to tell me that i evolved from apes and monkeys somewhere in Africa? i beg to differ....cus evolution and survival of the fittest theories state that while the fittest survive, the weakest die..why then do we still have apes and humans coexisting, if we evolved from apes...and i believe biology is a science that evolves, yet we choose to dwell on 19 century ideologies about human existence, in the 21st about a truly backward world... stupid isnt strong enough a word to describe the nonsense flying sphagetti monster..i dont know what level of iq u are operating on, but u want to tell me that the master mind behind this highly complex world is a flying sphagetti i mentioned earlier, this is not a note condeming atheist , the church of the flying sphagetti monster or scientists...but by saying there is no God, doesnt that in a way acknowledge that there is a God not to believe in...ok humor aside... People, call it God, higher being, higher intelligence, allah, jehovah, olorun, Dieu, but if u ever doubt for one second that there might be a God, look in the mirror,try to count every strand of hair on your head, walk out your door and look at the sunset or even watch a live birth... to be continued

Friday, July 16, 2010

BOOK REVIEW: act like a lady think like a MAN- Part 1

....have you ever thought to yourself..i can't figure out guys...don't just understand fact at a point i decided i was gonna move to Alaska and become a, not understanding guys doesn't make you strange, its totally ok, guys and gurls are different in so many ways than obvious...their genetic make up, their thought process and how they handle situations are completly opposite, so it would make sense if we sometimes don't understand them....
Well, thanks to guys like Steve Harvey, who teach us to think like men, and still act like ladies, we have a better idea of how to understand men...and its not even as complicated as it sounds...ok, so lets get right into it...what does Steve Harvey have to say about men, love and relationships

Steve starts the book by reminding us one important fact, MEN ARE NOT SIMPLE...well i mean now that only makes are driven by three things, who they are, what they do and how much they until they acheieve their goals they can't focus on many of you ever heard a guy say he loves a chic, and they have probably been dating for 5-10 years, but the guy wouldn't just propose..and he's excuse is he has to get stuff togehter....alright, if you know that person or you are that person, you understand the last point...don't get me wrong, im not saying guys would only love you when they have acheived billionaire status...but i am saying guys can't multitask like us women, so their focus is on the prize...if its not you then, GURL forget thing you can do is help him focus on his dream(S), as Steve Harvey says, get him focused, see the vision and then implement the plan..

I started talking to this guy a while back, and i thought we had it going on, you know he was really into me...but he never tried to give me the title...but he liked me..hmmm..i am thinking how do you like a chic but you don't want her as your girlfriend or anything more...that's when i got it..a guy can like you but he might not be ready for a relationship..or he might really like you and be attracted to you, but might not see u as a potential girlfriend...its very possible...Steve Harvey says if a guy really likes you and wants to be with you he will do three things..and i want this to stick ok ladies...he would:

1. Profess- when you go out, how does your 'man' introduce you to his friends or people..does he say, 'this is (insert name here), my friend'...O__o..ummm if he's doing that then maybe you are just a friend and if your already going a bit further than 'friends' then maybe your just a friend with benefits...because if a guy likes you, hes gonna introduce you more like..this is (insert name here), my girlfriend; my woman; my know plain and simple..that's what professing is all about, he would be more than happy to let the world know you and him have something going on and its not just a friendship

2. Provide-it is in the genetic make up of a man to feel like he has to take care of what he loves or Steve Harvey says, 'if a guy likes you he would bring home the bacon'...well that's for the married gonna make this relatable to the unmarried ladies out there...let's take for example...a guy takes you out to see a movie, or dinner...if when the bill comes he looks at it and pushes it towards you, asks for you to split it..or both...then you have to really consider whats up..cus not only does a guy that likes you want to show off or show hes Mr Capable, but he wants to also prove to you that he's got your saying, what if he doesn't have money...gurll..ima have you know that if he didn't have money and wanted to take you out, he would double his shift to get that extra money, or take you out when he does have the money...


3. Protect- if a man loves you, he is willing to take down anybody who says, does or attempts to offend you...i have seen a couple chics getting dissed by their boyfriends boys, and their boyfriend sits there and keeps quiet...well if that's you reconsider...because no guy that loves you would sit through that and say absolutely nothing...have you seen footage of a lion in a forest before, it protects his family (which includes its cubs)..anything that tries to harm them pretty much goes down...

Moving on....

i will give you a few quck points in conclusion....

when you meet or go out with a guy for the first time, things you should and should not do:

1: don't talk to much

2: don't be to clingy

3: don't come across as to aggressive: don't let your anxiousness to get to know him and take your friendship further come across as DESPERATION

4: even if you eventually want to date him, don't let him know immediately, don't put yourself out there, that might scare him away..

5: never tell a man what you like..hmm your probably thinking what is she saying...but think with me tell a guy what you like when he asks you and trust me you will get least for the few weeks hes trying to get you and guess what after that he's done...especially if you want him to act in a certain way...if he asks you..tell him in a sleek way what you don't like...example: i like when guys keep to their words, cus of course you dont like when a guy is dishonest or has no integrity...stay with me ladies...Telling him what you like gives him a road map to your say you love lilies, gurl till the day he gets you, you gonna be getting a lily a day

So Fashionistas, we all love accessories and sometimes we want the ones that come in the form of a man...yeah...u just have to remember that men and women are are like waffles (..for example...they compartmentalize everything), women are let me see a bit more like sphagetti (for example we multitask)...hope you enjoyed Relationships and Men 101 with Steve Harvey and B-Diva..stay tuned for part ya'll


Thursday, July 15, 2010

Finding the right bra

Do your boobs spill out on the sides when you wear your bras...or maybe not on the sides but under?..when you workout do your boobs pretty much slap your face as you run?...when you wear that cute tshirt could the person sitting in front of you see your bra outline and maybe even some extras?...then guess what!!! you might be wearing the wrong bra..

A lot of women these days do not wear the right bra for the right occasions or just the right bra period. Every fashionista needs to not only look good on the outside but also look good and feel comfortable on the inside...its part of building that confident image..and having the right underwear on is very don't believe me..ok..keep reading....

lets start with getting the size can easily get measured at almost every lingerie store like Victoria's Secret for just go to the fitting room let them know you don't know what your size is...moving on...what kind of bra should you have in your Wardrobe...let's see a t-shirt bra for normal tees....a strapless bra...a racer back bra..a sports bra...a minimizer, for our heavy set ladies that might want to look a lil smaller..a front closure bra and last but not least a push up bra (unless you are very endowed..then you will not be needing

next..colors...i have no problem in having crayola colored bras in your wardrobe, thats all on you, as long as you are matching you are problem is women that try to extend this crayola colors to their jobs...Shoutout to all my Fashionistas that got a job...ok yeah, if you wear a white shirt to work, what is the right color bra to wear under the shirt, not pink, blue, yellow or no ladies...BLACK..yes please Black and for that reason i ask that all fashionistas own a couple black bras...

(minimizers- this is for the very endowed gives you coverage....and also makes you look a lil less busty )

(the push up bra...very essential if you need a boost, or want a sexy cleavage for the dresses or top with low plunging necklines)

(the racer back is really essential..nothing speaks tacky, like straps peeping through a raer back or short sleeved top)

(this t-shirt bra gives you full coverage, and when you wear your t-shirts you would no longer have the bulges in front of your no what i mean)

(the strapless bra, is a many of you fashionistas know about hiding your bra straps by tucking them in, especially when you want to wear a strapless dress or been there done that..but with this in your wardrobe you no longer have to commit that tacky

So yeah, believe it or not what you have under your clothes boosts or brings down your self image..i know this is crazy but sometimes i feel like someone like the doctors for example...or i dont know who else O_o, would have to see me without my clothes on and i dont ever want to have the wrong underwear get aint fresh..its not hard finding the right bra and if you need help just ask..


Every FaSHionisTa NeeDS to be HEALTHY..i said HEALTHY not SKINNY

OK my hott fashionistas, its summer time and we all need to get the bods looking beach least i know i do...cus in Miami with 80% of women aged 20-30 looking like they dropped from heaven there is even more pressure to have a hot body....Apart from all that is the simple fact that we just have to be healthy on the inside, cus by being healthy now you automatically add years to your fab yh how do we get fit...we eat healthy and exercise...right now i am on a two week get healthy and look hot challenge..

First of all, we will start with diet..yo! how many of my fashionistas out there aren't salad eating chicks...yeah shout out to you!!!, cus i aint either..i like a lil meat here and thing you can do to eat healthy is to substitute red meat for white meat, and so that's pretty much, in with the chicken and turkey, out with the beef, pork and all that....why?..well white meat has a lower fat content..and usually the best way to eat it is skinless too..

.secondly eat fresh foods and fruits...i mean if you can't afford to buy all organic or at least fresh fruits you can mix in some can fruits and vegetables here and there...if you have an option go for fresh and not processed..after a few weeks you would notice a difference in your skin and you will feel better, because you are now taking in all the minerals and vitamins that would have been lost in the case of processed foods and fruits...and ladies i love mcdonalds, burger king and kfc..but truth is eat that on the regular and it would be detrimental to your your saying B-Diva...i am always hungry when i go out and i need to get a about put a cereal bar or two in your purse or a fruit....well see all hope is not lost..One last important thing about eating healthy is your timing...i am very guilty of eating snacks at odd a premed student i had to study into the wee hours of the night, cus of that i would eat snacks to keep me up, now its a habit i am trying to loose...well if you want a pot belly continue, if not its best that you eat dinner by 8 or 8:30 at least...and this is for the regular diva that wakes up at 10 and goes to sleep at 10 or 11 pm..if you stay up later, you can eat a lil later..and get away with it....just keep at least two hours between the time u eat and when u sleep..

Moving on to exercises...well this is what i do..when i get to the gym i run on the treadmill for 30 minutes, by the end of 30 minutes i have lost at least 200 calories at most 300 calories...well the trick for you divas that don't want to loose wight or just want to tone up is loosing a steady 200-300 aclories a day....for me i have to take in 1000-1500 calories a you can calculate the number of calories you need to lose specifically for you by going on google and typing in calorie calculator..see easy...

...well after treadmill i stretch and lift 2 sets of 15, in a pyramid...i'll explain...i usually start with a 5 in each hand and then do 15 reps..and then take a 10 repeat 15 reps and then a 15 and do 15 this time i am at the top of the come down i take the 10s, and do 15 reps and then take the 5s and just keep pumping till i cant go anymore...which is usually about 25 reps for me...i call this the noodle effect, cus u have worked your arm muscles so much that they feel lyk

ok after that i do the abs..i just do sit ups...what you want to do is keep ur stomach muscles tense by sucking it in as you do each sit up rep...this would tighten your lower abdominals..yeah so i pretty much dont do legs cus after running my legs are pretty toned...but feel free to add that to your work out....

Before each workout session, make sure u are well hydrated...and after get some water...let me share something with after my workout session, i pretty much didnt drink anything, and even before..i didnt eat either..i had guests so i didnt have the time to eat..well, guess what happened, after about an hour i blanked out, i started feeling real cut the long story short i had to get a lot of water, and then have a meal, and sleep for the whole day to regain my point is..don't exercise without getting hydrated..and after working out its ok to eat a good fact its the best time..cus ur bodys metabolic rate is still high, you end up loosing most of the calories anyways

Well Fashionistas, i hope you enjoyed this post about health...cus u know aint noting worse than an unhealthy fashionista...well yh if you have any health tips feel free to share...and for all of you that are joining me on my 2 week journey to good health..Good Luck..


ESPY Awards 2010...fASHiOn cRiTiC

So for those of you that don't know what the ESPY awards is, its basically an event where sports meets entertainment....a writer said the best way to explain it is..THINK Kardashian bedroom..o_O...ok so now you understand..yeaaahh!!!...this event is held every year...SHOUTOUT TO MY FASHIONISTAS THAT LOVE SPORTs!!!! well...Serena Williams had a pre-party for the ESPYs and i am going to take you to the red carpet so you can have a glimpse of the cute and not so cute outfits the entertainers/athletes spotted...

(left to right- Brandy looking o so lovely...i particularly love Brandy's clutch, its really huge and very different..she mixes the cream dress and brown shoes and purse is a nice outfit for a party, that SAYS i am trying to be simple but i still have style..i love it!!..Serena's dress is gorgeous...very figure flattering..and of course Serena wants to show us that lovely bod..(i am sure Common would have reconsidered getting back with her, when he saw joke i joke)...well yeah i am just wondering why the host of the ESPY party could not find a clear band-aid cus that brown band-aid on her right leg looks a bit tacky O__o... Serena you are famous and rich, you can afford clear your outfit tho..)

(left to right- so Venus's dress..hmmm its a bit to 90's for its cute, but i don't kinda looks like something i woulda worn in the 90's..or maybe its her posture..i think Venus should get a few dressing tips from her sister, not first aid tips for Ms Vivica...i would judge her a lil differently because i know shes a lil older..but my fashionistas..don't ever think you are too old to look trendy..ok back to Vivica, the top is ok, pants ok...well at least shes matching...ok moving on..)

eft to right- u doing?? love the purse gurl..the outfit is a bit too chill for me...i mean it just says yeah i am dressed nice but i don't want to be noticed....Garcelle Beauvais i think is a really beautiful woman..her outfit i would say is nice but safe..this look is good when you don't want any bad comments from fashion critics but at the same time you wouldn't get any 'o she looks fabulous' comments either)

(left to right- Niecy Nash, Clean House host rocks this silver and black dress very well...the dress is a bit on the shiny side and she tones it down with black shoes and a clutch..very nice..she rocks the dress as if to say yes i am a voluptuous woman and i look good and sexy...Tichina Arnold..who acts as Chris's mum in Everybody Hates Chris, looks um i don't know...i heard it was prom season recently...she would fit perfectly in prom court..prom queen maybe..uhh nahhh....enough said..moving on.... )

(left to right- Mario and girlfriend Dez, looking really the color co-ord...i love that tattoo on her me ideas...but that dress is it...Chris bosh and his girlfriend are a different kinda couple..i love Adrienne's dress)

( left to right-and the ESPYs would not be the same without our Studds...
Jesse Williams looks so hott...the suit fits perfectly..i mean wow..i like when guys can get that nice fitting suit..u know not tight on them but at the same time not too loose on their body...and of course my Lance graced them with his presence at the pre-party...he looks ok i guess, he has the whole chill look..i would advice to loose the sweater though, its more like something i would throw on on my outfit and its not really necessary..but i still love you Lance Gross)

(Janelle Monae performed at the awards..Love her...she is really beautiful and unique...and that's what fashion is all about..being able to create YOU..and look good at being YOU...she is definitely a trend setter)

(fashion blunder of the night has to go to the beautiful Amber Rose...word going around is she might have been Reggie Bush's date to the event, it only makes sense since she was spotted getting up close and personal with the New Orlean's Saints running back a while back ...well as for her dress, don't know if she was competing with the sun with that bright yellow, long dress..but shes not shining too much on that red my opinion..)

Well Fashionistas, i hope you enjoyed this post and i want to know who you think looked the best and worst...i wish i could say live from the red carpet but i would be lying..haha...for all my Sports Fashionistas you would llllooooveee my next post so stay tuned...


Wednesday, July 14, 2010

sNeak Peak of CiarA's photoshoot in Essence August 2010 Edition

Beyonce made us all put our bodies to work with her single ladies dance routines...almost every lady and infact some men, tried to do the routine..and we thought we had enough of the back breaking routines, till Ciara WOWED us with her ride video...well let me just say that you shouldnt try that home..cus its not for i got a sneak peak of ciaras photo-shoot in the august 2010 edition of essence...

what do u guys think...i love yh i can't wait to get the august 2010 edition of essence


My fave purses off the Chanel, LV, and Gucci Spring 2010 Collection

This post is pretty much about my 3 fave purses off the Gucci, LV and Chanel Spring 2010 collection.I have to say the Louis Vuitton Spring 2010 collection is really nice...well i recently graduated from college!! Class of 2010 stand up!! whoop whoop...and one of my aunts got me the Louis Vuitton eden speedy bag (customized version with my name on it :) o_O)..the purse is off the runway from the Spring 2010 collection...and i love has a detachable strap unlike the other remakes, that way you can carry it as a hand bag or a messenger, like the model in the picture...isn't the purse gorgeous

ok so the next purse is beauuutiifuull, unfortunately i do not have it...yh sad i know..but i think its just gorgeous....its the gucci 1973 bag from the Gucci spring 2010 collection...i like it escpecially because its has this vintage look to it and you can dress it down for a casual look or dress it up...the color is so nice and its a neutral color that would look good on browns or darker colors..

last but not least is my favorite...the Chanel lambskin purse..its off the spring 2010 collection...this purse is beautiful, it has this sweetness and softness to it...did i say i llllooovvvee it..i can imagine wearing this purse with anyway, dressy or chilled it is bound to turn heads and get u a lot of compliments..

and of course my beautiful fashionistas i have to show u how to get the look without spending as much i found purses that look almost like or at least have the same concept as the designer purses..these purses below are from regular stores like forever21, aldo etc..

(left to right-this purse has almost the same concept as the gucci has that vintage, old school look to it and ladies its just $26.80 from forever21...and the purse beside it is from aldo, ladies its $ the chanel lambskin, it has the nice sweet colors, and you can either dress it up or down )

So fashionistas, sometimes, in fact most times, we don't have 3000 dollars to spend on a bag, but that doesn't mean we can't still keep up with fashion trends...stores like forever 21 and aldo have affordable purses and shoes that give us that "just got off the runway look'...
